*Due to Covid-19, our office is closed. We are still delivering oil and doing emergency burner service, as well as burner cleanings and installations. For oil delivery and service you can call our office at 978-256-6811. You can now schedule your annual system cleaning & maintenance online.
You can leave a payment in the mail slot in our front door, call our office to pay by credit card or pay your bill online.
Keeping all of our customers safe and healthy is of the utmost importance to us.
We are taking the following steps to ensure your safety:
*Our office is cleaned and disinfected daily
* Our service techs are:
Screened for fever and flu-like symptoms each day
Practice social distancing
Use hand sanitizer before and after entering each home.
*If you require emergency burner service please do the following:
If possible, make basement available without having to go through living space
Stay 6 feet away from service technician
Clean door knobs that technician might touch
Thank you for your cooperation. May you stay safe and healthy.